Here is a rundown on the latest happenings.
Todd finished midterms in his hardest term of medical school thusfar sucsessfully with outstanding grades. He is doing so well and I couldn't be more proud!
We were recently visited by Todd's parents who came bearing diapers galore! I know it may seem strange and yes, they do sell diapers here, but not PAMPERS SWADDLERS people! These things are important ya know. Anyway, we had a good time with them and we hope they enjoyed their visit too! It was great for Jackson to spend some time with his Grandma and Grandpa Curtis :)
J and I are headed home next week for a visit. June 3-13. We are both excited! Well, I'm excited.... I'm sure J is too, he just doesn't know it yet. I am thrilled to get off the island for a while and looking forward to not being perpetually sweaty all of the time for a week or so. haha.
Anywhoooo.... here's a recent pic of Todd and I out to dinner for you. Hooray!