I just wanted to give a little shout out to our housemates. To all who are unaware of our living situation in Grenada- we live in a duplex style house with a door that opens up to the next apartment, where 4 of our close friends live. I love that we keep the door open all of the time because it's so great to be able to talk to them all the time. I've grown accustomed to running over to Melanie to tell her something funny I just saw on TV, or anything else really. It's so great having them there, and we're going to be sad when December rolls around and marks the end of our time with them.

The 3 ladies last month at our house (Erin, Melanie, and I)

The 3 boys last year on St Patty's day in Dublin. Notice the green goaties. haha. (Evan, Jeff, Todd)