SO much has happened! We had a wonderful Christmas with family. It was so nice to just be back with everyone and celebrate.
Todd and I celebrated 5 years of marriage on Jan 3. We got to get away and go to one of our favorite restaurants. It was a wonderful time.
I turned 26 on Jan 19th. That's not very exciting though. haha.
Jackson turned one on January 24th! I can't believe that it's been a whole year. He's grown and changed so much and he's becoming such a smart little guy!
Right now, Todd is studying for the first step of his medical licensing exam. It's a full time job for him, but it's nice because he's able to do it online in the back bedroom of our apartment. He takes the exam on March 5th so we're both really looking forward to having that behind us!
In May we are scheduled to move to New York, but we have put in an appeal to go to Michigan instead. The cost of living is much less, and our little family of SGU people have been placed there, so we'd really love to be able to stay with them.
Anyway, I could ramble on forever, but instead I'll just post some pictures of what's been going on!

Jackson getting his first pair of shoes!

Catching up with my sisters and cousin!

Christmas morning

On his first bday!