Of course there are the obvious- food on the table, a roof over our heads, beautiful and healthy children, and that we have such wonderful and supportive family and friends, but there are a few specific things that are on my heart right now.
I am thankful that last month is over :) Todd is on a new schedule now of 8-5 and we are loving having him around more!
I am thankful that the half-marathon is OVER and that I was able to shave 8 minutes off of my last time! Todd and the boys stayed in the park the whole time in cold conditions while I ran the 2 hour race. What support! It was so nice to see them cheering me on and in to the finish. My time was 1:58:44 and I am very proud of it!

Finally, I am SO thankful that on Saturday, we will depart for Washington to be with our families for Thanksgiving. It's been 6 months since we've been home last and I was getting seriously homesick. You never realize how important being with family is for holidays until you move away. Family really makes holidays what they are, and I'm so looking forward to being with mine for this one.
We really are SO blessed in so many ways. I really encourage everyone, if you haven't already, to think on the individual ways you have been blessed. I bet you could come up with a new one each day for the rest of your life.