Since I last wrote you, we found out that we were moving back home to Washington! Todd was placed in a family medicine residency at Providence St Peter's Hospital in Olympia, WA. We were beyond thrilled, as it has been my primary goal to get back here since leaving. Having unlimited access to our families has been invaluable. I didn't realize how much so until we had children, and watching their relationships grow with their extended family has been wonderful. It definitely feels like we're back where we belong.
Secondly, we bought a house! We were going back and forth with whether to buy or rent, and luckily the perfect house came along for us to purchase, and we absolutely love it. It's a brand new house, in a wonderful neighborhood, and the perfect size for our growing family. We are going to be very happy here :)
Third, we found out that baby Curtis #3 is going to be.......... ANOTHER boy! Honestly, I was completely shocked. Not that I've had the best track record with predicting the genders of my babies, but I thought that because this pregnancy had been so different, among a bunch of other reasons, that this one for SURE would be a girl. Well, that turns out not to be the case, but since the initial shock has worn off, I've become pretty darn excited :) Three boys to love and be best buddies. Yes, this will be fun.
Now, we are throwing clothes together to get ready to head out to NY for Todd's med school graduation. I can hardly believe this. It seems like just yesterday that we were throwing clothes together to head off to England for a new and scary adventure... and now here we are. It's complete, we are back home, and 2.5 kids later, we honestly couldn't be more happy. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone and saying goodbye. It will be bittersweet, but great at the same time.
Well, time to pull the clothes from the dryer and get moving. Did I mention that our new house is only a 1.5 hour drive from the Ocean? Here's a pic of my awesome boys for your viewing pleasure :)