Jackson is approaching the big 6 month mark, and I have no idea where the time has gone! He is growing up so fast, and learning new "tricks" every day. He's now enjoying rice cereal and veggies on a daily basis. We've learned that he HATES green beans and LOVES sweet potatoes! haha. He also really enjoys playing in his new bouncer and sitting up on his own. He says "ma ma ma" and "da da da" and is really trying to figure out the english language. :) He's also really working hard on crawling. He's got the legs down perfect and can scoot himself along, but can't get the arms working at the same time. He'll get it before too long, and then watch out mom and dad! I don't know if I'm ready for that!

1 comment:
Oh my goodness Amy! He's getting so big :) Hes even got a little tan going, haha. Such a cutie. Its great to see the update! Thanks :)
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